Making our clients smile

Our founder Emily met with one of her clients.

She had to clear her home of 50 years as she had been served with an environmental health notice. She had been diagnosed with Dementia, was unable to cope at home and had been taken into care.

In one room in a long-forgotten chest tied up with string were many photographs. The rats and mice hadn’t managed to get to them. Emily bought an album and put them all in to take to her client.

Her eyes lit up as she saw photos of herself as a young girl, teenager, young woman. She turned to Emily and said it was like ‘This is Your Life’. Then she turned the page to this photo. “Oh Mum!” she exclaimed in surprise, “my beautiful Mum” and then she laid her wizened little hand on the photo and whispered “I miss you so much. Oh how I love you” and a tear ran down her cheek.

Right there in that moment Emily felt so privileged to witness such a love, not diminished by time. A love spanning nearly a century. Literally breathtaking in its simplicity and sadness.

Today Emily and the team here at Enable offer both practical and emotional support to clients who are elderly, on their own or vulnerable.