COVID Vaccine Centre Volutneering
TWO fantastic updates from Team Enable this week and it’s only Tuesday!
Since the Selsey Vaccination Centre started operating on Friday, Emily and Lindsey have been supporting and assisting the team. It’s been a very humbling experience, some people coming through the doors were in tears as it was their first time out of their homes since March last year. They are very proud to be a part of the efforts. They even got a photo with Dr Charles Walker who has been a huge part of the organisation at this site!
This morning, we received a message from a GP at the Tangmere site that there were spare vaccinations that needed to be used. They asked whether we had any clients over 80 that wanted to pop in to receive their first dose. Within 15 minutes, we had organised to have 6 clients attend the site and all were vaccinated before 1pm! As well as this, all of their carers were able to be vaccinated. This means all of our clients who are in the top two priority slots and in the Chichester area have been vaccinated!
We are so immensely proud to be part of the team helping run these centres – we are continuing to volunteer up to 3 times a week! AND we are even more happy to know that all of Team Enable have received their first vaccination. It’s one step closer to getting things back to normal and we want to ensure that we keep our clients as safe as possible.
THANK YOU to every single person who has made these vaccination centres possible!